Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Definisi dan Klasifikasi Nouns

What is NOUNS?
NOUNS is any word that describes a person, place, or thing. 


  • Concrete Nouns
  • Absract Nouns                    

Concrete Nouns

            Noun which is any word that describes a person, place, or thing can be captured by the five senses so you can see, hear, smell, taste, or feel the item.

           Kinds of Concreate Nouns:
-          Common Nouns
            Noun that indicate the type,class of object or place or etc.
            examples : car,man, bridge etc.
                                    The cat loves comfort
-          Proper Nouns
            Noun that the name of thing, place or etc , that specific only for it
            Proper Noun always begins with capital letter.
            examples : Africa, Andy, Indonesia etc.
                                    English is a global language
-          Collective Nouns
            Noun which can take a singular form but are composed of more than one individual person or items  .
            examples : Team,Jury,committee etc.
                                    I saw a herd of sheep nearby
-          Material Nouns
            Noun that indicate the names of objects that happen by itself not human made.
            examples : gold, water,fish,iron etc.
                                      The chair is made of bamboo.
-          Compound noun
            Noun which is a combination of of two or more words.
            examples : Mother-in-law, paper-clip,etc.
                                       She is my mother in law

Abstract Nouns

            Noun which is any word that describes a person, place, or thing can’t be captured by the five senses.    
            Many are derived from adjectives and verbs and have characteristic endings such as –ity, -ness, -ence,  and -tion.
         such as difference , purity , composition , happiness


Countable Noun :
Things that you can count
a(n), the, some, any
this, that, these, those
none, one, two, three,  . . .
a lot of
a large/great number of
a few
fewer . . . than
more  . . . than
Uncountable Noun :
Things that you can’t count
the, some, any
this, that
much(usually in negative or question)
a lot of
a large amount of
a little
less . . . than
more . . . than

Countable nouns

Use these tests for countable nouns:
  • Countable (or just “count”) nouns can be made plural: a tree… two trees; a man… men; a pony… ponies.
  • In the singular, they may have the determiner a or an: a sausage; an asterisk.
  • We ask: How many words/pages/chairs?
  • We say: A few minutes/friends/chips?
  • examples : Book – books, Pen- pens, Window-windows

Uncountable nouns

Use these tests for uncountable nouns:
  • Uncountable (or non-count) nouns cannot be made plural. We cannot say: two funs, three advices or five furnitures.
  • We never use  a or an with them.
  • We ask: How much money/time/milk?        (Not How many?)
  • We say: A little help/effort. (Not A few.)
  • examples :water, rice, heat, soccer, lucky, air, ice, dust

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